Wine and Whiskey 2 radio interview 12/3/2016
Check out my interview with the hosts of Wine and Whiskey 2 podcast discussing Penetration for the Mind Penetration for the Mind

Author's Café 11/11/16 in Philadelphia
Hello Philadelphia, Come out November 11, 2016 to 5010 Old York Road Philadelphia, PA. Cost is $5.00 with food and fun provided. Meet and...

Fall is here
Now that summer is over, it's time to embrace Fall. The change of the weather from warm to colder air always seems to get people in the...

End of summer 2016
As the summer comes to an end, I look back and reflect over the past 8 months. This year has been full of many great trips, events, and...

My First Book Signing
Author Sonya Lindsay will be at the Red Light District on Feb. 6th in Baltimore, MD with my book, Penetration for the Mind, available for...

Ready for the holidays?
Are you ready for the holidays? Get your copy of "Penetration for the Mind" now available on www.amazon.com/author/SonyaLindsay. It's a...

Ready for Penetration for the Mind
Available Friday, December 4, 2015 find out what happens in the story "That Feeling" from my novel Penetration for the Mind "She said, “I...

My First Interview
Take a look at my first interview about my release of Penetration for the Mind from 2015 on The Voice of Reason

Getting closer to my release date
Here is a sneak peak at one of the stories from my book: Excerpt from ‪#‎PenetrationForTheMind‬ available 12-4-15 "He took my jacket and...

Preparing for my release date
Hey there, I am preparing for the release of my first book, PENETRATION FOR THE MIND. It will be available as an e-book first on...